Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Okay - I know what I said...

I know that I said I'd blog more and take photos. Well the only thing I've done is join WW and I've lost 15 lbs. Of course now I've hit a plateau and need to get my butt kicked. But I think that my hormones are off. I've been really grouchy and moody lately. So I think that its time to call the GYN and get an appointment. I actually drank a very small glass of wine around 3;00 today. It's getting bad.

I want to be inspired. I lack all inspiration. I lack any spiritual sense within myself. I feel so far from the Lord. I keep asking Him to find me. I want to be grateful for my life. We have so much. We have had so much work, in a horrible economy. My best friend has lost her job, yet she remains so hopeful and peaceful. I want me back. Help me find my way....