Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Ponderings 01.02.2008

Well, here we are
on Christmas.
2008 is here and it's an even year. Don't know why I like them even, but maybe it has something to do with adding and subtracting, since I have to do that a lot with appraisals. Just easier to figure out. Plus "even" just sounds better than "odd."

I've been reflecting on what I want to focus on in 2008. Lots of thinking. Not to sound selfish, but I want to think more about me. Usually I put everyone else first and then I melt down, when I get overwhelmed. Sometimes the meltdown is internal and no one else knows about it. I just put on the "Happy Face" and proceed. I don't want to do that anymore. I want to be true. I also want to renew. I would like to make time for the things that I enjoy. Time for me. So, as selfish as that may sound, that's what I may focus on during this EVEN year.

I don't usually make resolutions. Sometimes I set goals - more attainable than resolutions. Goals for this EVEN year? (Numeric order is NOT in order of importance!)

#1 - Make exercise a part of life. I view it as a chore, as drudgery. So I would like to find other things that I enjoy. I love to dance. I need to find some dance exercise DVDs and do that at home, rather than always going to the gym. I want to rotate each day, not always doing cardio. I get so tired of just staying in one place.

#2 - Proceed with the doctor, with regard to my knee. One of the reasons that my exercise is limited, is because my options are limited with my knee. I need to seriously consider having my knee replaced.

#3 - Creative Outlet - Now that the holidays are over, I want to find ways to enjoy my creative side. I have tons of projects that I can work on. I would also like to start doing some classes. Make up some stuff on my own and offer it to friends and family. I don't know if I truly want to make a business out of this. Just don't think that I would enjoy it as much. So we'll see. This is one to ponder during this EVEN year!

#4 - Spiritual side of Me - I have neglected this. I have pushed away what has always been my foundation. I guess I could say that I've been angry. I can't understand why God would allow the things that He's allowed. I feel empty and numb. I want to feel alive again. This is more of a prayer request. Lord - drop it all in my lap. Show me where, when, how, why, what... I know the answers, but they're not enough anymore.

Have a FABulous day!