Friday, August 11, 2006

Another Week To Go

Well...a week from Monday and the girls return to school. Not sure if I'm ready. I enjoy the lazy days of summer. They are just growing up too fast. But I must say that I will not miss the arguing. A Jr High-er in the house has changed the sister dynamics. Need I say more...

I find myself wishing that we were back in San Diego. It was an awesome vacation, so relaxing. I loved sitting on the balcony, having my glass of wine and watching the people walk down the boardwalk, while dh and the girls played badminton. Such the life...

Eventually I want to share my heart here. But I haven't worked up my courage. Still afraid to say something that will come back to haunt me from cyberspace. I'm sure the words will come someday.

Have a loverly day out there - enjoy summer - kiss your kids and spouse - and thank the Lord for one more day.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Great Vacation

My First Blog

Amazing, I'm actually doing this. Not sure why. Don't think anyone will want to read what I have to say. But maybe - in some small way - it will be cathartic for me to get out what's inside.

So, Blog-self, stay posted, as I begin this new journey.

Cristal's FABulous Life!!